Friday, March 04, 2005

What were we created for?

It is interesting to think about what God created for us to do on this earth. In his book, The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard has an interesting chapter that deals with what we, as God's creation, were put here on earth to do. This is a book I've been reading lately so consequently, most of my posts may branch off from some of his ideas, with of course my take on them.

God created us to rule over all of the other created living beings. (Gen 1:26). God had a wonderful plan for our lives: to rule over all creation and to enjoy eternal fellowship with him. However, through Adam's sin we failed the test. Now, people live their lives - not as having a purpose - but purposeless. Willard states that people live their lives as robots, re-charging daily just to "get by." With this attitude about life is it any wonder the "self-help" gospels that are so popular, are that - popular. People need "pick-me-ups" in a world where life is meaningless.

But God did not create us to "just get by." He created us to have fellowship with Him. Although we sinned through Adam, and all have sinned and keep sinning (Rom. 3:23). Paul himself says "For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do." (Rom. 7:15) That is why Christ came. I heard it said from a buddy of mine at seminary that "we strive for perfection because we were created in the image of someone who was perfect." But we failed...Christ has come and He has reconciled us back to God. He has been the propitiation (substitutionary sacrifice) for our sins. Because of what He has done, we can have eternal life with God. We are redeemed, ransomed, and rescued.

It is fitting that the One who created us knows the only cure for our fatal sickness. He also knows the "cure" for our living just to get by: and that is simply living for Him who died for us.


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