Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dr. Mohler's Reading Habits

For those who know who Dr. Al Mohler is, then it is already been established in your mind that he is, well...put simply, a genius. If you are unfamiliar with the man, he is the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY , and is also an extrordinary scholar, preacher, exegete, spokesperson, blogger, radio call-in-show host, etc. He truly is a renaissance man. He, along with CJ Mahaney, Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan have formed a group blog called "Together For The Gospel." So far, the blog is pretty interesting to read as they talk to each other, make fun of each other, and all of the things friends would do while sharing a blog and simultaneously living in different parts of the world. The following is a snipet of Dr. Mohler's "reading habits." It's also been documented that he reads around 1,000 pages a day.

Mohler: "In the course of any given week, I will read several books. I know how much I thrive on this learning and the intellectual stimulation I get from reading. As my wife and family would be first to tell you, I can read almost anytime, anywhere, under almost any kind of conditions. I have a book with me virtually all the time, and have been known to snatch a few moments for reading at stop lights. No, I do not read while driving (though I must admit that it has been a temptation at times). C.J., I took books to high school athletic events when I played in the band. [Heap coals of scorn and nerdliness here.] I remember the books -- do you remember the games?

A few initial suggestions:

1. Maintain regular reading projects. I strategize my reading in six main categories: Theology, Biblical Studies, Church Life, History, Cultural Studies, and Literature. I have some project from each of these categories going at all times. I collect and gather books for each project, and read them over a determined period of time. This helps to discipline my reading, and also keeps me working across several disciplines. "

After reading this, I am shocked to know that Dr. Mohler was that guy who read books while at a football game! And he was in the band while doing it. That fact alone does not take away from is accomplishments - in fact, it probably is a reason he is where he is today. He is the president of a seminary while I am in my last semester IN seminary. By the way, I was watching the games and doing stupid high school stuff with my friends. Below is the link to the entire blog entry.

Entire Entry


Blogger Shawn said...

Yep I love those guys as well. It's been a great read

10:12 PM, January 27, 2006  

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