How Does a Church Handle Murderers?
Here is an interesting question coming under the field of ecclesiology. Most of the nation has heard about Mary Winkler, the wife of a Church of Christ pastor who killed her husband. She has confessed and is being held in the jail. Many in the church are calling for her release. This situation begs the question, How should the church respond in this matter? If this act happened at your church, as a member, how would you respond? How should we treat a confessed killer who is not only a church member, but is also the pastor's wife? Should we deny that she could have done this? Should we just pray for her and support the family and turn her over the State? What do you think?
Great post, Charlie. According to the rules set down in Romans 13, I have some thoughts. First, we must realize there the state has a divinely-ordained role to fulfill, which involves yielding the sword. The Church's role in society is ministerial and declarative, not punitive. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for the church to attempt to step into the realm of the state in this matter. A pastor who discovers that a church member, even a repentant one, has committed a crime, has a biblical mandate to report them to the authorities. If the person is repentant, then he or she should remain a member in good standing with the church. If they refuse to repent or deny the charges, then the church must wait until the state has completed their proceedings, and then initiate the church discipline process thereafter.
That's a pretty sound exegesis of Romans 13. Thanks Drew. Anyone else have any ideas/thoughts on the issue at large?
Yes, I think Drew is correct.
I think we should forgive and forget. We should completely ignore the fact that she took a weapon, and in cold blood, murdered the man God had providentially placed in her life.
JUST KIDDING!! Good post Drew!
I think Drew pretty much said it all ... Christ's admonition to "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" seems appropiate support for his point re punishment in this case.
Thanks for the comments.
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