Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monkey Business

A few weeks earlier, this blog was in a discussion about homosexuality and I proposed that if homosexual marriage was legalized, other "marginalized" groups would start crying: "What about us?"

Well, as predicted, the ball has already started to roll in other parts of the world on this issue and this one specific group can't even speak the words to ask the aforementioned question:

"Spain's parliament is to declare support for rights to life and freedom for great apes on Wednesday, apparently the first time any national legislature will have recognized such rights for non-humans.

Parliament is to ask the government to adhere to the Great Ape Project, which would mean recognizing that our closest genetic relatives should be part of a "community of equals" with humans, supporters of the resolution said."

(press here for link to story)

Al Mohler brought this to attention on his blog, and I thought it was appropriate enough to include it on mine. The day that apes are recognized as our equal is a sad, and confusing, day. The unborn baby (who will eventually be a person, although I say he is one from conception, but is incapable of voicing an opinion) and the silent elderly (who were once capable of voicing an opinion but for whatever reason are invalid) are not seen as equals and in some cases have no rights, but there is a movement to make apes be seen as such?

By the way, if humans evolved from apes, why are their still apes? As my dad used to always say, "they may have come from apes, but I sure didn't."


Blogger Mr McFeely said...

"if humans evolved from apes, why are their still apes?"

No one says we "evolved from apes." We evolved from an ancestor of apes. Some of them stood up, were able to see over the grass thus avoiding predators. Those guys turned into humans. The ones that didn't became apes. If you were to do a quick google search you would find a multitude of scientific articles. Here's the first one.

But to the bulk of your post. If any government gives apes the all of the same rights as humans they are stupid.

2:11 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Thanks for the link. I think the key to that article is this statement:

"This is what might have happened to cause modern apes and humans to appear. The story probably went something like this..."

"Might" and "probably" generally should not precede statements like this one (following her fictional discription):

"So there you have it. We didn’t evolve from apes; rather, apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor."

But an interesting "theory" none the less.

Too bad scientists will never find the missing link fossil that will prove their theory.

4:56 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Mr McFeely said...

"Too bad scientists will never find the missing link fossil that will prove their theory."

There is no missing link. Evolution is a process that changes in very small amounts over a long period of time. There have been many fossils found that show species evolving.

There's no sense in getting into an evolutionary debate, we've already done that.

Spain is not giving apes the same rights as humans. If you read the great ape project website you will find

"The Great Ape Project seeks to end the unconscionable treatment of our nearest living relatives by obtaining for non-human great apes the fundamental moral and legal protections of the right to life, the freedom from arbitrary deprivation of liberty, and protection from torture."

That seems more like animal protection than laws that allow gay people to incorperate apes into their family.

9:09 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

the phrase "community of equals with humans" is what I am concerned with. But you've already said that you agree that that is stupid.

"There is no missing link. Evolution is a process that changes in very small amounts over a long period of time. There have been many fossils found that show species evolving."

Yes, but there is not a complete puzzle (nowhere near one) that has been put together...therefore you are right that there is not one missing link...there are many.

10:45 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Mr McFeely said...

I just realized why my comments were not posted.

"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

I had enjoyed reading your blog and discussing issues, but I'm not going to participate if I have to get your approval first.

11:08 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

The reason why your last two comments were not posted is precisely the reason why I have decided to moderate my comments. You are more then welcome to comment but I do not allow profanity on my website - even if it's indirect, as yours was.

11:21 PM, June 28, 2006  

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