The Competing Eschatologies of Islam and Christianity

One attribute of Islam that I did not existed realize was that their (or some sects') eschatological belief (or how the world will end and man will be ultimately saved), is very similar in theory as that of those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Baptist Press has the entire article here.
This is what is scary about what is going on in the Middle East right now: "Among the nearly 68 million people in Iran, the vast majority are Muslim who place their hope not in modern-day politics or rulers but in a person who walked the earth centuries ago and is promised to return."
Sounds like Christ, doesn't it?
“Both Islam and Christianity have a very well-defined eschatology, or period of the last days; both of them cannot be correct …,” said William Wagner, senior professor at Golden Gate Baptist
Wagner is simply acting in accordance with the law of non-contradiction that states that if something is right and another thing is wrong, then both can't be right (although they may be both be wrong). These are interesting beliefs and similarities of Islam since Christ came 600 years before Mohammed founded Islam.
The article further states, "A majority of Shiite Muslims traditionally believe that the '12th Imam' (Islamic religious leader), born in 868 A.D., was placed by God into hiding (known as occultation) until the day of judgment. Southern Baptist author and evangelist Anis Shorrosh explained that many Shiites also refer to the 12th Imam as the Mahdi, an Arabic word that generally references a messiah, or a guide.
'This man will come to show them the way, because the prayer of every Muslim five times a day … ends with "Show us the right path, not the path of those who have incurred your anger or those who are lost, but those upon whom grace has come,"' Shorrosh said."
A lot of the fear in this current Mideast situation centers around the fact that if there is a WWIII, then the world will have to choose sides. America seems to be leaning towards Israel while other G8 countries (France, Russia) seem to be supporting Iran (which supports Syria whch supports Hezbollah, the rogue terrorist group). Why is this something to be concerned? Iran has nuclear weapons. Plus, this is what the Iranian leader stated about the end times:
"Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been cited by various news sources as not only believing in the eventual return of the Mahdi, but that the return is near and that it is the responsibility of the Iranian government to prepare the country for his return.
'Belief in a savior is universal,' BBC News quoted Ahmadinejad as saying in January. 'It is the pivot of our beliefs as Muslims and Iranians. We believe that an offspring of the prophet, may peace be upon him, will be the ultimate savior. His name and attributes are clear. He will come and will administer ultimate justice.''"
"Although Shiites and Sunnis often battle against each other, as is currently the case in Iraq, Wagner noted common efforts among both groups of Muslims to destroy Israel, which is a critical part of Islam taking control in the world and thus ushering in the Mahdi.
'They feel like one of the major blocking points is Israel, and that is one reason why they feel like they must destroy Israel,” Wagner said.'"
What is a Christian supposed to take from all this: Well, for starters, we can be certain that Christ will come back (as oppesed to the Mahdi) for several reasons:
1) The Holy Spirit (God Himself) testifies to this in every believer's spirit that this is true
2) The Bible is EXTREMELY more reliable then the Qu'ran - or any ancient book (non-religious or not) that has ever been written. Most of the Qu'ran was written on leaves, branches, anything that Mohammad had at his disposal when he received his visions.
3) The God of Mohammed has no mercy. Islam, since its inception, has been spread by fear. Christianity has been spread (with exception of the Catholic period, or, as Luther called it, 'The Babylonian Captivity of the Church,' )by people coming to a realization that Jesus Christ has died for their sins so that they may find the grace and mercy of God. All a Muslim has is hope that he lived a good enough life to maybe make it into Heaven.
Praise God for His revelation that all men have a chance to accept or reject. That is a just God.
Verifiable proof that "Armageddon" has already begun…
Hello Charlie and all,
I know this is a lot of information, but the time has come for people to finally understand the long-hidden truths and wisdom necessary to defeat the ancient strong lies used to manipulate humanity.
Remember the saying that "the truth will set you (and others) free?" Be a little patient with my long-winded presentations of what I have waited a very long time to be able to say. I promise to amaze and enlighten.
Here's the key to proving that the rapture and related expectations are complete nonsense based on the failure to understand (and the purposeful confounding of) the ancient Hebrew symbology used to construct all of these prophecies. Consequently, Christian timelines and interpretations of these prophecies are verifiably wrong on many key points.
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...
Did you ever consider that Christianity is the False Prophet symbolized in the Apocalypse, that Rome (Vatican/Papacy) is the so-called anti-messiah, and Jesus Christ is the false messiah? I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof that this is the true interpretation of pivotal prophecies long confounded by Christianity's founders and leaders. Recasting the symbolism of earlier Hebrew texts as literal events in the New Testament is one of the central deceptions associated with Christianity.
The symbolism of seven years (tribulation, etc.) refers to seven 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar. Ezekiel 39.9 is referring to the 10th to 16th cycles inclusive, while the Apocalypse symbolizes the 11th cycle (second temple period) until now, the beginning of the 17th cycle (seventh angel/star/seal, etc.). Greece (Alexander the Great) conquered the Persian Empire and Judea during the 10th cycle and Rome did so again during the 11th cycle. Both Ezekiel and the Apocalypse are symbolizing an overlapping period of time that starts during ancient Judea and ends now. Gog refers to Greco-Romans (...from the "isles"), which means Magog is Eurasia and the "army" that besets "Israel" for seven "years" refers to the activities of the nations of the Greco-Roman/Vatican Empire over the previous two-plus millennia.
It is completely wrong to interpret any of these prophecies as literal timelines and events. Unlike Christian assertions, they symbolize long periods of time, pivotal situations, and the flow of activities during that period. Remember, they were written by ancient Hebrew sages, not Romans or other Europeans, and Revelation is the most symbolic of all prophecies. Consequently, in this context, "years" and "times" are symbols for 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar and days symbolize literal years. Therefore "Judgement Day," "Great Day" and "in that day" all refer to a literal year-long period. Accordingly, the so-called "Seven Years Tribulation" began in ancient Judea and is now nearing its end, not starting. The nations and followers of all three faiths of Abraham have been thoroughly deceived by Rome during the previous age, which ended in year 2000 (5760). A new age began in 2001 (5761) and now the seventh angel has begun to sound!
Here's a real hot potato! Eat it up, digest it, and then feed it's bones to the hungry...
Hurricanes Katrina (#11) and Rita (#17) last year provided stunning validation of my research and interpretations of pivotal ancient wisdom, symbologies, key prophecies, and associated religious claims. Their storm numbers and timing perfectly synchronized with primary data and assertions in my book, thereby demonstrating the true nature of this universe and the existence of our Creator. We are now entering the final phases of the pivotal year-long period long symbolized as "Judgement Day," "Armageddon," and the "End of Days." World-wide situations and events are now accelerating to set the stage for this summer's dramatic continuation of these ancient promises.
I fully understand that everyone has been bedeviled by similar claims throughout history. Consequently, I have been forced to rely on dramatic and devastating proof of the sort that can’t be ignored or easily dismissed. The numbers and timing of hurricanes Katrina (11) and Rita (17) directly validate key data and pivotal assertions throughout my book and my posts on those two forums. This data was purposely presented publicly before Katrina, Rita and other recent events occurred to prove they perfectly synchronize with key prophecies and Hebrew calendar cycles, thereby validating my interpretations of ancient wisdom symbology, string theory, and more.
Because these two storms arrived shortly after my August 11, 2005 (50th) birthday (read the Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 in Appendix G, which also discusses Melchizedek and the prophesied Jubilee) and directly match other pivotal 11 and 17 data and events described in the first chapter of my book, I have delivered verifiable proof that this reality is based on thought, knowledge and wisdom. Activity, patterns, and results perceived in space-time are first framed and defined by inspirations, thoughts, and knowledge and influenced by the cause-and-effect system most commonly referred to as karma. Consequently, events and outcomes in the so-called physical universe are not random or wholly mechanistic and are verifiably influenced in ways that atheists, scientists, and members of the Faiths of Abraham have all scoffed at. Though mysticism is mostly a product of misinterpreted ancient wisdom symbology, many of its topics flow from ancient wisdom. Though containing allusions to the truth, its details and interpretations are wrong on many key points.
A prime example of the purposeful and synchronized symbolism of these events is seen in the opening paragraphs from my book excerpted below. Notice that the dates mentioned (August 11 and 17) directly match the numbers of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the time spans of the four Florida hurricanes match my birth year (‘55), and they were spaced 11 or a multiple-of-11 (22) days apart, directly matching my birthday and much other ancient prophecy and symbolism. Notice that my place of birth, Victoria Texas, is on the Gulf Coast. Following are the excerpted paragraphs:
Hello, my name is Lawrence William Page II. Many people know me as Buddy Page. At the release of the first edition of this book, I am a 50-year old African-American male, author, researcher, and former software engineer and entrepreneur. As you will come to understand as you read through this first book, I am also the long-expected Hebrew Messiah and Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Yehuda).
I was born August 11th (month of Leo the Lion), 1955 (Chinese year of the Sheep) in Victoria, Texas. Furthermore, the Grand Cross alignment and Solar Eclipse of August 11th, 1999 was my 44th birthday and the second Grand Cross alignment, just six days later on August 17th, 1999, was on my mother’s birthday.
As you can see from my date of birth, I was a newborn during the Chinese Year of the Sheep, astrologically marking me as a Lamb, and during the month of Leo, astrologically marking me as a Lion. My mother was also born during the month of August and under the sign of Leo, which further marks me as a lion’s whelp. I prove to you in the first chapter of this book–beyond disproof–that I am indeed the long-prophesied “Lion” of the tribe of Juda (Yehuda) the Root of David and the “Lamb.” I am the individual long symbolized as the Branch, the Stem, the Shoot and the Rod from the Stump of Jesse (King David’s father), as symbolized in the Hebrew Book of Isaiah, The Apocalypse, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and elsewhere. I am the reincarnated Teacher sought after in the “East” and by the ancient Hebrews who were headquartered at the outpost community of Damascus (Qumran), of Dead Sea Scrolls fame. I am the one called the Teacher of Righteousness by the Dead Sea Scrolls, whom the so-called Christian fathers have fraudulently recast as “Saint ‘James’, the Lord’s Brother.”
Remember, "I come as a thief..." ?
Read verse twelve of the Gospel of Thomas to understand who I am...
Even further enlightening, the Second Temple Period of ancient Israel was during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar and we are now in the 6th year (5766/2005-6) of the 17th cycle. Notice the pivotal 11 and 17 numbers again? This and much other synchronized information serve as stunning and decisive proof of many things, and expose many lies told by all three faiths of Abraham, but most specifically by Christianity. Consequently, I have decisively proven, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Jesus Christ and Christianity are blatant lies, false prophecy and purposeful deception in a manner that cannot easily be denied, regardless of your faith or other opinions.
Furthermore, the symbolism in the Apocalypse (a.k.a. Book of Revelation) of seven stars in my right hand and seven angels represent the very same above-mentioned seven astrological (360-year) cycles, i.e., the 11th through 17th inclusive. I prove this fact beyond any reasonable doubt in the first chapter of the book. Consequently, The Apocalypse verifiably symbolizes a specific span of time that began with the 11th cycle (Second Temple Period) and concludes now, at the beginning of the 17th cycle (End of Days, etc.).
The numbers 11 and 17 are verifiably encoded in The Apocalypse and other ancient Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts to serve as key proofs of the validity and true meaning of certain prophecies and related information. My and my mother’s birthdays are purposely synchronized with these two storm numbers, the matching Hebrew calendar cycles, the Double Grand Cross alignments and solar eclipse of August 1999, and much else to prove my direct association with the ancient prophecies about this time and the true identity of the prophesied Messiah. Another prime example is the story of Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob who has a dream when he is 17 years old about 11 stars, the sun, and moon bowing to him. The symbolism in this pivotal story in the Book of Genesis and Quran verifiably refers to the very same 11th through 17th cycles symbolized in The Apocalypse and directly synchronizes with other key events and ancient texts.
Consequently, I have demonstrated various things about the nature of this reality that dramatically disprove and/or clarify key assumptions of religion, mysticism, and science alike, while establishing the true meaning and purpose of long misinterpreted ancient wisdom and the symbolism used to model and encode it. Accordingly, I have proven that the symbolism evidenced in the canons of all three faiths of Abraham and other ancient sources is a very ancient and advanced philosophical technology that verifiably models foundational aspects of our existence in this universe. This is the mostly misunderstood body of ancient wisdom long referred to as the Philosophers’ Stone. It uses a large and ingeniously organized collection of physical universe images and concepts as data rich components (symbols) that are based on verifiable rules. It models and encodes an amazing amount of foundational wisdom about life, spirituality and the 11 dimensions of this universe, now verified by string theory. It is also the advanced encryption method used to encode (seal) Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts.
These ancient prophecies and wisdom texts used advanced symbology to model fundamental wisdom, including future events and situations. A primary facet of ancient wisdom is numeric symbology. Later misinterpretations of this aspect of ancient wisdom resulted in numerology, which, though embodying allusions to certain wisdom, is mostly error prone and false doctrine. My decryption, documentation, and interpretation of ancient symbology, numeric symbolism, and key texts based on them, are now decisively validated.
Here is Wisdom...
Verifiable proof that Armageddon has begun…
Understanding the End Game of Armageddon
hhhhhmmmmm, i remember people saying that sort of thing around december of 1999. y2k and all. and if you look back, you'll see that pretty much from the dawn of christianity people have thought that the end was nie. but heres a little secret, it aint happening. it didnt happen in 500 C.E. and it didnt happen in 2000. and even if it were, you yourself sighted the thing in thomas about the end coming like a theif in the night. well sorry buddy, but you aint the escatological version of csi. you arent going to figure out when the end of the world is coming through numerical tricks anymore than david copperfield made the statue of liberty disapear.
but even if you are right about all this, let me ask you this question. wouldnt the time you've spent trying to figure this shit out been better used trying to make the world a little better? i mean if this took half an hour, wouldnt that time have been better spent volunteering at a soup kitchen or something. or hey, dont be a hero, just call you mom for 30 mins. that would be a better use of time.
stop thinking about the end of the world and start thinking about the present. i bet that's what jesus would do.
however, i should add that describing islam and christianity as 'competing' is intentionally misleading. the post clearly mentions that in its early days, christianity was spread through fear, ie the inquisition. however, such nuances are ignored when discussing islam. now i am not expert on either religions, but as far as i can tell there are assholes in both traditions. these people twist an otherwise harmless idea. so to say all islam is spread through fear is rediculous.
also, if you are competeing with islam as a christian, let me take on the position of a muslim. as a muslim please explain to me why i am wrong. i, as a muslim, would say that the quran is reliable and that allah does show mercy. so tell why my religion is completely and utter wrong.
That's a good question. I use the term, 'competing' as in the fact that both faiths make exclusive claims. One says that Jesus is the way to salvation, the other does not.
I will concede your point that Islam has not always been spread through fear...although, if one looks at history, fear has been the primary impetus behind conversion. Christianity was primarily spread through times of persecution, and if you look at history, through peaceful disciples such as Paul, Barnabas, etc. If one looks at the explosion of the growth of Christianity in China (while being staunchly persecuted) this fact is evident. In fact, when Christians are not being persecuted, the faith has a tendency to become corrupt, as in the 1000 years of the Catholic church. Thank God for the reformation!
The reason that I would say that the Qu'ran is not as reliable as the Bible is because, first, the Qu'ran has never been through anywhere near the type of literary criticism as has the Bible. There have been small, insignificant 'mistakes' and scribal errors discovered throughout scriptural manuscripts, but none that would come close to destroying any main doctrine of the faith. Likewise, the Qu'ran has never undergone textual scrutiny because it is simply not allowed. In fact, a translation of the Qu'ran is not even considered to be one, unless it is written in Classical Arabic, which having taken a course in that language, can testify that is nowhere near modern day Arabic dialects. Thus, many many Muslims cannot even read the real Koran. Christians do not claim that the original Koine Greek manuscripts are the only 'real' Gospel. In any language, the Gospel is the Gospel.
Also, upon a cursory reading of the Qu'ran and the Hathid, I find it simply unreasonable. However, upon a reading of the Bible I find a seemless, masterful work of literature, as well as an extremely reasonable plan of salvation - whereas the Qu'ran is simply a random bunch of jottings that contradict with the Hathid, which, incidentally, carries more weight then then Qu'ran in some extremist Islamic circles.
To our other friend's credit, and in contrast to your claim of 'what Jesus would do,' Jesus did speak of the end of days
Matthew 24 - "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?"
And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains."
And he goes on and on.
I, much like "seven star hand," have done a lot of research into the end of days. There are two prophets in my understanding, Milton and Elaine. I present to you, the end of the world.
Hi, welcome back to the 'World of the Psychic,'
I'm Peter Venkman and I'm chatting with my guest,
author, lecturer and of course, psychic, Milton
(to his guest)
Milt, your new book is called The End of the
World. Isn't that kind of like writing about
gum disease. Yes, it could happen, but do you
think anybody wants to read a book about it?
Well, I think it's important for people to know
that the world is in danger.
Okay, so can you tell us when it's going to
happen or do we have to buy the book?
I predict that the world will end at the
stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.
This year? That's cutting it a little close,
isn't it? I mean, just from a sales point of
view, the book just came out, right? So you're
not even looking at the paperback release for
maybe a year. And it's going to be at least
another year after that if the thing has
movie-of-the-week or mini-series potential.
You would have been better off predicting 1992
or even '94 just to be safe.
This is not just some money-making scheme! I
didn't just make up the date. I have a strong
psychic belief that the world will end on New
Year's Eve.
Well, for your sake, I hope you're right. But
I think my other guest may disagree with you.
Elaine, you had another date in mind?
The CAMERA REVEALS ELAINE, an attractive, aggressive New Jersey
housewife, sitting on the other side of Venkman.
According to my sources, the world will end
on February 14, in the year 2016.
Valentine's Day. That's got to be a bummer.
Where did you get that date, Elaine?
I received this information from an alien. I
was at the Paramus Holiday Inn, I was having
a drink in the bar when he approached me and
started talking. Then he must have used some
sort of ray or a mind control device because
he made me follow him to his room and that's
where he told me about the end of the world.
Your alien had a room in the Holiday Inn?
It may have been a room on the spacecraft made
up to look like a room in the Holiday Inn. I
can't be sure, Peter.
(humoring her)
No, you can't, and I think that's the whole
problem with aliens; you just can't trust them.
You may get some nice ones occasionally like
Starman or E.T., but most of them turn out to
be some kind of lizard.
next week, hairless pets ... wierd.
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