Monday, November 06, 2006

Stray Sheep will Talk (1 Tim. 1:6)

"...from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk," (1 Tim. 1:6, NKJV)

In verse five, Paul stated that the purpose of God's commands is to love from a regenerated and thus, pure, heart, as well as a good conscience and a sincere faith that only the Holy Spirit can give. However, there will always be those in the church, who, either because they are unsaved or because they are living a carnal life, will cause disputes in the church and continue to talk about things that have no eternal or kingdom significance.

Many churches get involved in petty arguements and disagreements centering around personal preference as opposed to biblical commands. Paul is warning Timothy, as well as pastors everywhere, that there will always be thoes "idle talkers" in the church who have strayed, missed the point, and have turned away from sound doctrine. Because of this, it is the pastor's duty to constantly teach and reteach sound doctrine in order to correct the stray sheep and protect the ones that are prone to wander away from the flock.

In a day where many churches simply ignore doctrine, these words from Scripture should be well heeded.


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